Does Sbadmin support EMC powerpath devices?

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Does Sbadmin support EMC powerpath devices?

Sbadmin does not currently support recovery to emc powerpath devices. Data on the devices may be backed up by editing the device_info file. However, the emcpower disks will not appear when booting the Storix boot media at the time of recovery.

The following warnings may occur during backup.

WARNING: Volume Group datavg will be ignored because it contains physical
volume emcpowerb2, which is not a supported device type.

WARNING: Volume Group datavg2 will be ignored because it contains physical
volume emcpowera2, which is not a supported device type.

To enable Sbadmin to create a backup of the disks. Make the following changes on the client that is being backed up.

1) Make a copy from the /opt/storix/config/device_info file to /storix/config/device_info. (Where /storix is the install directory)

2) Edit /storix/config/device info as follows.
#disk:emcpower:a-z::1-15:EMC PowerPath device
disk:emcpower:a-z::1-15:EMC PowerPath device

3) Re-run the backup.